Thursday, 7 November 2019

HDB Median resale prices for registered resale applications The median resale prices by town and flat type for resale cases registered in the 3rd Quarter of 2019 - HDB

The median price is the fiftieth percentile amount of HDB resale flat purchases. This means that half of the flats transacted were purchased at amounts above the median price, and half of the flats were purchased at amounts below the median price. These figures are based on resale flat transactions recorded for the quarter, and sorted by town and flat type.


Here are the notes and legends for the symbols used in the following table:
  • (-) indicates no resale transactions in the quarter
  • Asterisks (" * ") refer to cases where there are less than 20 resale transactions in the quarter for the particular town and flat type. The median prices of these cases are not shown as they may not be representative
  • The data excluded transactions that may not accurately reflect the market price, i.e. resale of part shares, resale between related parties, cases under the Conversion Scheme, resale of terrace flats, and converted flats
  • The figures are rounded to the nearest hundred dollars
The following table shows the median resale prices by town and flat type for resale cases registered in the 3rd quarter of 2019:

Source: HDB

For Full Resale Statics