TRANSACTION volume and prices of Housing and Development Board (HDB) resale flats fell in June from the previous month, with both indicators clocking a noticeable dip from recent peaks, flash data issued by SRX Property on Thursday showed.
![HDB Flats 2](
![HDB Flats 2](
In June, 1,753 HDB resale flats were sold, an 11.6 per cent drop from the 1,984 transacted units in May, which itself was an 8.1 per cent rise from April's volume.
Year on year, resale volume decreased by 5 per cent.
June's volume was down by 52 per cent from the peak of 3,649 units in May 2010.
As for HDB resale prices, there was a headline decrease of 0.1 per cent in June compared with that of May, which also dipped 0.1 per cent from April.
Year on year, prices have decreased by 0.2 per cent from June 2016.
June's data indicates that prices have declined by 11.7 per cent since the peak in April 2013.
The resale prices of HDB executive units rose by 1.7 per cent in June, while those of HDB three-room, four-room and five-room units decreased by 0.2 per cent, 0.3 per cent and 1.5 per cent respectively.
Find out more about SRX HDB Flash Report on SRX Research.
Find out more about SRX HDB Flash Report on SRX Research.
Source: SRX (07 Jul 2017)