Core Central Region * | | Rest of Central Region ** | Outside Central Region | Whole Singapore |
Period | Resale ^ | | Period | Resale ^ | | Period | Resale ^ | | Period | Resale ^ |
2Q/2010 | 962 | | 2Q/2010 | 1537 | | 2Q/2010 | 2754 | | 2Q/2010 | 5253 |
3Q/2010 | 825 | | 3Q/2010 | 1382 | | 3Q/2010 | 2512 | | 3Q/2010 | 4719 |
4Q/2010 | 806 | | 4Q/2010 | 1265 | | 4Q/2010 | 2166 | | 4Q/2010 | 4237 |
1Q/2011 | 604 | | 1Q/2011 | 1016 | | 1Q/2011 | 1887 | | 1Q/2011 | 3507 |
2Q/2011 | 831 | | 2Q/2011 | 1307 | | 2Q/2011 | 2393 | | 2Q/2011 | 4531 |
3Q/2011 | 606 | | 3Q/2011 | 965 | | 3Q/2011 | 1736 | | 3Q/2011 | 3307 |
4Q/2011 | 486 | | 4Q/2011 | 802 | | 4Q/2011 | 1413 | | 4Q/2011 | 2701 |
1Q/2012 | 376 | | 1Q/2012 | 692 | | 1Q/2012 | 1142 | | 1Q/2012 | 2210 |
2Q/2012 | 750 | | 2Q/2012 | 1126 | | 2Q/2012 | 1958 | | 2Q/2012 | 3834 |
3Q/2012 | 757 | | 3Q/2012 | 1130 | | 3Q/2012 | 1824 | | 3Q/2012 | 3711 |
4Q/2012 | 808 | | 4Q/2012 | 1002 | | 4Q/2012 | 1649 | | 4Q/2012 | 3459 |
1Q/2013 | 407 | | 1Q/2013 | 622 | | 1Q/2013 | 974 | | 1Q/2013 | 2003 |
2Q/2013 | 441 | | 2Q/2013 | 610 | | 2Q/2013 | 1024 | | 2Q/2013 | 2075 |
3Q/2013 | 315 | | 3Q/2013 | 386 | | 3Q/2013 | 639 | | 3Q/2013 | 1340 |
* Core Central Region comprises Postal Districts 9, 10, 11, Downtown Core Planning Area and Sentosa. A map of Central Region | |
showing the Core Central Region (CCR) and the Rest of Central Region (RCR) is available at: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
** Rest of Central Region comprises the area within Central Region that is outside postal districts 9, 10, 11, Downtown Core Planning |
Area and Sentosa. A map of Central Region showing the Core Central Region (CCR) and the Rest of Central Region (RCR) is available at: | | | | | | | | | |
^ Data on the number of Sub-sale and Resale units, excluding en-bloc sale units, are collated from caveats lodged at the Singapore | |
Land Authority. As the lodging of caveats is voluntary and they do not have to be lodged by a certain date, the statistics published here |
cover only caveats lodged by the cut-off date. The statistics will be updated in the next quarter when more caveats are received. | |
Source: URA (As on 25th Oct 2013)